Red Brick Cafe

is located at 8952 First St. in beautiful, historic downtown Baroda, Michigan. It is a Coffee House Cafe serving
breakfast and lunch, specialty coffee drinks, and delicious home-baked desserts. It is lovingly owned and run by Joan and Larry Litke.
Why my interest in the Red Brick Cafe? Well, aside from the delicious quisine, they have ENTERTAINMENT.
Specifically, every Thursday night is Open Mic Night.
Over a year ago, I starting going to Red Brick Cafe and sitting in (on drums) each Thursday night.
At first I was nervous about making a fool of myself while playing on the little stage there.
I would sit in with the house band and -- from time to time -- go up and play a solo performance.
After a time, I was asked to JOIN the house band, and I've been playing with these guys ever since.
Here is the Red Brick Cafe
House Band.
From left-to-right...
- Jon Kinsting (drums)
- Rich Schwadron (bass)
- John Tolhuizen (lead guitar & vocals)
- Fred Story (rhythm guitar & vocals)
Our musical styles include...
- folk
- rock
- blues
- jazz (ballads)
- and more...
As for my own contributions to open-mic night at RBC...
Check out my goofy acts like: